I thought today was notable enough to require an update from me, the king.
Today, the princess and prince went fishing, I drove, setup lines, baited hooks, removed fish from hooks, untangled lines, and generally kept everyone alive. This being Olivia's first time, the fun all started when I woke up this morning before the sun. I stepped out of my room and noticed that the princess was up before me. She had come down, with a pile of clothes to change into, and lay on the couch waiting for me. Not asleep though. She sat up ready to go as soon as I tip-toed by. I think she might have been excited.
So, skipping past all the prep, let's get to the story. We drove to a little lake nearby and dropped our lines in the water...nothing happened. Baited hook after baited hook went in, empty hook after empty hook came out. We fed a lot of fish, but none of them wanted to feed us. Meanwhile, Christian was doing fine, "Hey Dad look, I caught another one." I became discouraged. Olivia did not. She insisted that while there was bait, we were staying. Then it happened. She dropped her line. She had a nibble. Yank! Reel! "I got it! I got it! Daddy Brother Look!" She was so excited. She was so happy. Then she saw the hook. Now I'm not saying she won't go fishing again, but she certainly felt bad for that fish. Well, we got the hook out and I handed her the fish. It dropped to the ground and wriggled back into the water. At that point, the prince spoke up, "Dad, maybe you should have taken a picture." He's so lucky he's royalty too.
Anyway, the fishing ended well and the victorious sportsfolk went to ye Denny's to celebrate. After eating a ridiculous amount of food, we proceeded to the one-armed bandit known as the toy crane. Olivia has always liked to feed it a dollar or so as we leave. I think she worries that it might go hungry without her money. She certainly never gets anything out of it. Lo and behold, today proved that the fish was not a fluke. She "caught" her very first toy; a hideous red and white lion that I'm sure she will cherish for years.
More victorious than before, we returned home. Where we learned that today is just her day. Olivia played Guitar Hero and unlocked a new guitar. Anyone care to guess the name of it? It was "The Fish".